lunedì 11 agosto 2008

The Journal of Management and Governance announces a special issue related to the Symposium

The Journal of Management and Governance, published by Springer Verlag, sponsored by AIDEA, the Italian Academy of Management, will devote a special issue to the topics of the Symposium. Professor Roberto Di Pietra, the Editor-in-Chief, made this important announcement during the symposium and he presented also the ARCA award for the 2009 best paper published on JMG (the prize is valuable Euro 2,500). Arturo Capasso, one of the organizers, and Wei Shen, one of the discussants, will run the special issue as Guest Editors. The deadline is November 30, 2008. The call for papers is available on the website of the Journal of Management and Governance (on Springer Verlag) and on the website related to the symposium (

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